Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Most Crucial Week in my Diet Year is This One

You know its just one set back after another. This morning the scale showed I had lost. It showed that yesterday too. My total loss since weigh in two days ago is 2 pounds. Two pounds in two days is good for me especially since TOM came twice this month! So here I am fresh off a loss this morning and mother in law arrives with cake and goodies in hand. She will be here for a week and that week will include Thanksgiving.

Do you know that if I dont pay very very close attention this week I could end up with a huge gain and I mean huge! I have only one course of action and that is to make an immediate plan to stay away from anything with sugar and white flour in it. That is the only thing that will keep me from gaining this week.

I cannot tell you how truly real it is that I stay on my program this week. The results of not doing that could be more disasterous then any encountered so far on this journey. I kid you not!

The worst thing that could happen wouldnt be the inevitable gain but instead it would be the fact that a week of gaining after just coming through a hard time for three weeks could be the factor that pushes me over the edge; meaning that it is a situation ripe for getting my head out of the game. You see tiny gains are no big deal in the long weight loss journey. The danger lies in prolonging the gains until you are no longer even trying or half heartedly trying. As long as your head is where it belongs and you know you're still empowered then you will master the gains and come out in the end with a loss. But if you lose that self motivation and empowerment you will go ever upward on the scale.

This week could be the end for me if I dont grab ahold and vow that I will not under any circumstances go off the program and eat unhealthy foods. That has to be my top priority.

This morning I weighed a mere 3 pounds over my lowest weight this year. Thats not a lot. Its not like Im headed up. No, Im fighting with every inch of my being. Once this month I was 7 pounds over my lowest weight. So you can see I have been fighting the monsters within and I am winning. But the fight is taking a lot of the punch out of me. I must find more strength from within or I will lose the mindset I need. This is why this week scares me. If it would come after three very successful weeks I wouldnt be worried at all, but its hitting me when Im down.

This week I will see what Im made of, that's all there is to it. I will need to apply every single thing I have learned in this past year to pull this one off.

Soooooo, Im off to fight the demons.


  1. remember to lean on the internetcommunity!

    so many people are cheering you on.

    FOR ME when I am needing to avoid something (hello sugar and processed white) it more helps to focus on what I DO WANT (for example: a week filled with healthy choices yada yada yada).

    as per my vision board video when I send out into the world what I DO NOT WANT (sugar) that's what Im focusing on.

    (make sense?)

  2. OKay mizfit, I want fruits and veggies and lean protiens. Does that sound better?:)

  3. Good Luck!

    The more I hear people worrying about Thanksgiving, the more I'm glad I live in a country that doesn't celebrate it. I don;t need a practice Christmas to tempt me!


Thank you for taking the time to encourage me on my journey! Your comment is appreciated!