Thursday, April 23, 2009

Weigh in

Okay so its weigh in. I don't even want to do this but I have to. Last week I didn't weigh in because I didn't want to see the numbers. Today I weighed because its high time I take a close look at the numbers and get back on the band wagon. I have been up and I have been down. I have been all over the place but the downward trend is not going like I would like it to. The thing that aggravates me is that I'm not really eating bad food , nor am I eating a lot, I'm just eating more than I was! Ive been doing a lot of mindless eating and that is not good. So here I am weighing in and deciding that this is the last weigh in I will have in ages with a gain. That's right I gained the last two weeks. I gained 4.5 pounds to be exact. I am now 211 which is 9 pounds above my lowest weight so far.

I am determined that this is it. Mizfit I may be indeed be calling on you for help! Okay anyone wanna weigh in?

Mrs darling) + 4.5


  1. It sounds like you know what you need to be doing and that you've set your mind to it. Now go on and have a great, healthy week!

  2. Zero this week but am encouraged that I am not alone in STRUGGLING very hard with this.


Thank you for taking the time to encourage me on my journey! Your comment is appreciated!