Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tomorrow...I love you tomorrow..

Im so hungry I could eat a cow standing up. My calories are all used up though! Now I will go to bed and dream of tomorrow when I have another whole 1200 calories to eat!


  1. Boy can I relate to this! A couple of times last week I made hubby "breakfast for dinner" which included bacon. I woke up in the middle of the night smelling that bacon and man did I want to chow down right in the middle of the night.

  2. Okay lady, next time have a small healthy snack. A few calories of good protein is NOT going to ruin your diet.

    It's bad enough having to deal with myself feel deprived- I can't handle the both of us, LoL.

  3. Okay, that feel was supposed to read feeling.

    You're starting to rub off on me;)

  4. Well I had to force a loss because of eating at country buffet ya know?

  5. I have been amazed at how many calories I can consume. I have also become more aware at what I eat especially those nibbles throughout the day. If I can get rid of those I will be doing much better. As you stated once how can you calculate one little bite of chocolate or ice cream. I have lost 4 plds. thank you so much it is because of you that I opted to get off my tush. Thanks again for letting me know about spark people.

  6. I added you to the sidebar Vanessa. Congrats on the weightloss! We can do this!

  7. GO YOU on the will power!!


  8. I had to turn down all manner of delectable things this weekend . We were to a marriage seminar and there were so many delightful things one could have aeten but ....I din't gain anything over the weekend! : )

  9. well good for you. Its evening again and again I could eat a house!

  10. I thought weigh-in was Tuesday morning...well, there goes my Trim Tuesday theme.

    Oh my goodness! I just realized you said that because that's tommorrow's post...Grrrrr

  11. Yep I posted it early cause I wont have time tomorrow.

  12. Hi!! I lost a whopping half pound. Total of six pounds lost since we started. Can I be in your right-hand column too??

  13. Yep Im putting you there now! Congrats!


Thank you for taking the time to encourage me on my journey! Your comment is appreciated!