Thursday, January 22, 2009

Weigh in

My word, I totally forgot today was Thursday weigh in. Well this week I dipped below a thousand calories at least three of the days. I am just so not feeling well. I hope I don't come out of this just ravenous but for now I'm just not hungry. I cant even taste the food my cold is so bad. So this week I lost 4 pounds taking me to 210. So how did you all do?


  1. I'm glad you lost some weight, but I don't envy the cause one bit. I hope and pray you will recover soon. Have you tried using a netti (sp?) pot? I have never used one myself, but I have heard good things.

    Weigh-in crossed my mind this morning, so I finally bit the bullet and weighed myself for the first time in over a month. I am up three pounds. I hope and pray you will feel better soon.

    My husbands banquet for work is coming up in March. The dress is formal this year so I need to lose some of this weight so that I can find something to wear. I'm pretty sure my men's hiking boots won't fit in with the formal setting. I have a terrible time finding shoes that will fit my feet. After six children my feet are wide and don't even fit in women's wide shoes. Maybe if I lose some of this weight dress shoes won't be such a trouble spot.

  2. boo and great.

    hope you are better soon...that cold seems to be kicking everyones arse around here too!

  3. Okay Brandi we're here for you. Lets see what you can get lost by that party. What is your total now on my sidebar?

    Thanks for the well wishes Mizfit!


Thank you for taking the time to encourage me on my journey! Your comment is appreciated!