Saturday, April 10, 2010


I need suggestions for an easy DVD for beginners to work out to; and I mean easy. I also truly mean beginners! Just think uncoordinated - unfit- bones achin- mama here and that is the video I need. Anyone know of any that would suit the bill? By the way, I lost two pounds this week!


  1. Good job on the weight loss!

    I have no ideas about an exercise video.

  2. Not a video exerciser here, but seems like. There's always FitTV and we have tons of choices OnDemand through our cable company.

    Great job on the loss!

  3. Congrats on the weight loss! I asked a similar question on my blog and got some recommendations there. Check it out!

  4. Walk away the pounds by Leslie Sansone videos are great. There are several of them starting with one mile all the way up to a 4 mile power walk. Another suggestion that I haven't seen myself, but heard that is a lot of fun is "Walk it Out" for the Wii. I don't know if you have a wii or not, but if you do, it could be fun exercise and you could play with your kids.
    By the way, I just want to say that I admire you for sticking with this blog even when you are not as successful as you want to be.
    Just some thoughts,

  5. Walk Away the Pounds - they have a 1 mile to 5 miles. The 1 mile is a very good workout, easy (I'm uncoordinated too! ;) ) and only takes 15 minutes. Very doable! I love Debbie Rocker's CDs to listen to (and keep pace) while outdoor walking. I have them on my MP3 player.


Thank you for taking the time to encourage me on my journey! Your comment is appreciated!